action hero news

Our Island in Manchester
July 17, 2007, 10:43 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We planted our flag to claim our Island as our own. Its on the centre of the roundabout under the mancunian way next to Cambridge street and the MMU building. If anyone in Manchester sees it could you let us know. We’d like to know how long it stays there and therefore how long that paradise belongs to us. Thanks.

We need your help!
July 17, 2007, 10:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

On the 28th July between 12 and 4pm we’re serving tea at the guildhall in PLymouth as part of PL:ay Festival and we need your cups and mugs!

It might be your favourite mug, or the cup you’ve had for years but never used, or your least favourite mug or a cup with a special story, either way we’d like to borrow it and hear about why you love it so much or whats wrong with it. We’ll take great care of them and send them back when we’ve finished but obviously don’t send us your antique china family heirloom.

If you can’t bear to part with it, or you can’t be bothered to send one or you’re too poor to pay for postage we’d like to hear about the cup/mug anyway so e-mail us the details at

The address to send to is:

James Stenhouse and Gemma Paintin, Action Hero, The Old Police Station, 6 Sommerville Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 9AA.

Cheers. Hope to hear from you or see you in PLymouth for the show. Its called ‘Solutions for life’ details on the PL:ay website (